Saturday, 25 April 2015

Nostradamus Rose Pills

In 1544 Nostradamus stopped for some time in Marseilles in order to help bring a fresh outbreak of the plague under control. In 1546 the Black Death gained a hold in the province's main city, Aix-en-Provence. Nostradamus was summoned and devoted himself courageously and in a determined manner to the healing of the sick and above all to preventive measures among the healthy. He spent days, weeks and months in the midst of the appalling atmosphere of wholesale death and despair and was indeed able to cure people and to sow seeds of fresh hope.
Rose petals are rich in vitamins C, A, D, E & B-complex and minerals such as zinc, iron, and selenium.
  His remedies included 'rose pills', which were to be made as follows:

one ounce of sawdust from the greenest available cypress tree
six ounces of Florentine iris
three ounces of cloves
three drachms of weet flag (root)
six drachms of resinous aloe wood
These ingredients are pulverized and then 300 to 400 red roses, which have been picked before the grey light of dawn and similarly pulverized, are mixed in with them. Throughout care is taken to prevent undue exposure to the air. The mixture is then shaped into pills, which the patient constantly keeps in the mouth. According to Michel, the wonderful scent can kill bad breath and foul smells and clean rotten teeth.

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Kale Blast - Cocktail of life

My morning nutrient blast:
1 cucumber
1 apple
4 cloves of garlic
1 chunk of ginger about the size of a car key fob
3 stalks of celery
A large salad size clump of kale
Blend it all up (chop it up enough before you blend it any high quality blender will do)
Blend it all up, and you've got the infamous "Hulk Loads" kale shake.
You'll feel fantastic, have a big burst of energy and later on your poop will fly out of your body as if it was late to catch a plane.

If you grow Cannabis the benefits raw are very good to add minerals to your diet