Monday, 11 July 2016

Cannabis licences for NSW Australia

Hi all, today was the first information session about growing cannabis.
What I found interesting follows,
The current estimation is 20,000 patients with approximately 3 hectares grown in greenhouse or indoor or 15 hectares outdoor.
These numbers are just the starting point, if 100,000 patients present then obviously more will be required.
Today it was confirmed that NO LIMIT ON LICENCE'S, but without a contact you will not be able to grow. 
The industry in general will be strictly regulated, but not to the same extent as other pharmaceuticals.
To just grow is a single licence yet to manufacture requires three all with different federal government departments.
Unless trials prove otherwise the government has decided to go for big Pharmas preferred option which is using isolated compounds over whole plant.
To be able to obtain a script your doctor must provide proof of big Pharma chemicals had been tried first an proven ineffective.
Plus alot more.
My personal observations and opinions,
Bill the regulator from the ODC (Office of Drug Control) is the person who is an ally of medical cannabis.
He even when talking about using isolated Cannabinoids he referred to treatment of cancer which is a milestone of sorts.
Alot of vultures where present, purely there for the potential riches of the industry with no vested interest or passion for the industry.
Bill as I stated is pro medical cannabis, but he made it clear that recreational use will remain illegal, when he said that he had what's called an involuntary tell, a smirk, very different but it reminded me of G Bush Jr.
The biggest hurdle that we all know exists is doctors, they lack the knowledge especially specialist's, yet specialist's will be the one's at first who will be able to write a prescription.
Overall I feel that baby steps while horribly slow is the pace we should expect.
What we want and what we have are worlds apart, while this offers hope it fails to ensure that every Australian will have access to what know is classed as a medicine.
If we allow our governments to decide what medicines we take and what foods we eat we will continue to live in Tyranny.

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